Make Your Skin Glowing | Here are 5 tips for staying beautiful | MA Allrounder | Urdu | English

Make Your Skin Glowing
اپنی جلد کو چمکائیں۔
Here are 5 natural tips for staying beautiful
 خوبصورت رہنے کے لئے 5 قدرتی تجاویز 

Natural ingredients and some principles play a very important role in protecting the skin.

1. Sleep. (سونا)

 If you are inadequate, your skin will look pale, dull and dry. So you should sleep at least seven to eight hours each night. This is a very important thing for your skin.

2. Water. (پانی)

Water is an essential ingredient for the body. Drink the same amount of water. This will help keep your skin motivated all day long.

3. Vitamins A&E. (وٹامن اے&ای)

List vitamin rich foods in your diet. It affects your skin. Eat regular fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin A and E in moderate amounts. Avoid eating fat and oily foods, it can cause acne on your skin.

4. Body lotion.  (جسم کے لوشن)
 The best time to apply body lotion is after a bath. Because the skin absorbs lotion easily at that time.

5. Brightness of skin. (جلد کی چمک)

Make a syrup in a glass of water with leaves of honey, lemon and mint. They drink water. This will increase the brightness of the skin.

6. Skin's glow. (جلد کی چمک)

 A ray of sun-purple (UV) burns the skin and increases the chance of screen cancer. It is important to apply sunscreen 5 minutes before sunlight or with a little juice, a little glycerin and a little rose water before and after sun exposure. Well, this mixture is beneficial for burned skin and enhances the skin's glow.

7.  Ink under eyes. (آنکھوں کے نیچے سیاہی۔)

Many people regularly have ink under their eyes. Waking up at night brings extra thoughts down the line. To get rid of eye ink, put potatoes or potato juice under your eyes before going to bed at night. Get up in the morning and wash.

8. Safe Hair. (محفوظ بال)

 Use sulfate-free shampoo. Because sulphate soothes the hair and ruins the hair follicles.

9. Makeup Brush. (میک اپ برش)

Always try to have a clean makeup brush. This will reduce the risk of acne attacks by bacteria. Eyeliner and mosquitoes will change at least three times a year or after 3-5 months.

10. Smooth Body. (ملائم جسم)

Good quality screen moisturizers should be used once every morning or night to keep the body smooth.

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