Are you eating too much sugar? | 11signs of eating too much sugar | MA Allrounder | Urdu | English

Are you eating too much sugar?
کیا آپ بہت زیادہ چینی کھا رہے ہیں؟

11 signs that you eat too much sugar
11 نشانیا آپ بہت زیادہ چینی کھاتے ہیں

Most people think that only diabetics have high blood sugar levels. But this is an illusion. Any person can suffer from complications and be affected by nerves, blood vessels and organs. In particular, it can cause complications due to excessive intake of sugar. You should think about the following signals. The name "11 kinds of signs that you eat too much sugar" is.

01. Endless hunger.(نہ ختم ہونے والی بھوک)

High blood sugar prevents glucose from entering the cells. As a result, the body receives no energy and continues to demand food. It is a vicious cycle that produces constant hunger.

02. Increased fatigue.(تھکاوٹ میں اضافہ)

In hyperglycemia, the body cannot store and absorb enough glucose. Energy is ineffective, and your body's cells do not get the fuel they need. This often leads to the fact that people feel tired for no reason.

03. Recurrent activity of urine.(پیشاب کی بار بار سرگرمی)

If your blood sugar is high, your kidneys will not be able to recover the liquid. Therefore, our body normalizes the blood's surface by adjusting the intracellular fluid to adjust the levels of glucose in the blood and cells. This causes frequent urination.

04. Dry mouth, excessive thirst.(خشک منہ ، ضرورت سے زیادہ پیاس)

Dry mouth and severe thirst are suffering from severe fluid loss. The hypothalamus assesses dehydration levels, causes thirst and sends signals according to the brain. Sure, you can't refuse alcohol, but it's better to opt for tea without sugar or sugar.

05. Lose weight.( وزن کم )

Even if you have a lot of food and high calorie intake, high glucose levels can help you lose weight in the short run. There are many reasons for this. Loss of fluid due to frequent urination leads to lower levels throughout the body and leads to weight loss. If insulin levels are not high enough for glucose metabolic activity, the body shifts to fat burning mode. When you eat high blood sugar, your body eats more calories.

06. Infection.(انفیکشن)

Urinary tract infection (UTI) and yeast infection can be found in both men and women. It is more frequently found, especially in women with high sugar and diabetes. The reason for this is that large quantities of sugar create a good environment for the growth of yeast and bacteria.

07. Dry skin.(خشک جلد۔)

Dry skin is associated with high blood sugar for several reasons. Excessive urine causes the body to have dry skin. Low blood circulation damages the nerves and affects the normal functioning of the glands, affecting the balance of skin's moisture.

08. Lower concentration.(کم حراستی)

In hyperglycemia, the brain has difficulty gaining energy because glucose cannot be supplied to the brain cells. When you think and make decisions, these symptoms can have a negative effect on slowing down.

09. Hypersensitivity.(انتہائی حساسیت۔)

Studies show that people who consume too much sugar are anxious, irritable and depressed. The brain wants a consistent supply of glucose. It is said that factors such as sudden growth have a negative effect. Sugar also affects the absorption of other nutrients responsible for mood.

10. Delayed wound healing(تاخیر سے زخموں کی تندرستی)

High blood sugar can damage blood vessels. Because of this the circulation is bad. These symptoms occur throughout the body, leading to nutrition in the tissues of the cells. If there is an injury, it is delayed.

11. Blury vision.(دھندلا پن)

Blood sugar is the result of dehydration caused by high blood sugar. It also affects optic nerve cells. This impairs the ability to focus properly through the eye changes.

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Nice Job