Contact us

Contact us

One of my favorite things about MA Allrounder is hearing back from you. My heart races every time there’s a message in my inbox, and I can’t wait to see who it’s from and what it says. I love getting to know you through your questions and comments, opinions and thoughts, stories about your families and past experiences, your fantastic recipes and gorgeous photos, and everything else you share.
Not only do I read your messages, I do my best to reply as soon as possible. Sometimes life rears it’s ugly head and bites me in the butt so I can’t respond as quickly as I’d like. Please be patient, I promise I will get back to you just as soon as I can.
By the way, I take your privacy very seriously and will do everything I can to protect your personal information. I promise I will never NEVER sell, rent or share your email or other private information with others – not even if they offer me a million dollars. 
Your messages are so important to me that I’ve set up several ways for you to contact me. Any way you choose, I can’t wait to
hear from you!

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