Hair caring tips | Take care of skin and hair in winter | MA Allrounder | Urdu | English

Are you worried about your bad hair and dry skin too?
کیا آپ بھی اپنے خراب بالوں اور خشک جلد سے پریشان ہیں؟
Take care of skin and hair in winter.
سردیوں میں جلد اور بالوں کی دیکھ بھال کریں۔

Since the coming of winter season, the body is slightly curved. Due to the increased cold air, it is necessary to concentrate on skin care to keep the skin well. Let's learn the important tips in winter care for yourself.

In terms of skin care. (جلد کی دیکھ بھال کے لحاظ سے۔)
First, you need to consider what kind of skin it is. The same treatment will not apply to all skin. However, irrespective of skin type, cleansing and moisturizing is a must for all. It is important to clean your face at least twice a day. Then a good company's screen toner can be applied. Then a good moisturizer should be applied throughout the body.

Follow Tips. (تجاویز پر عمل کریں۔)
If you follow more tips regularly, you will see that half of the skin problems have been resolved.

1. The start of the winter day. (سردیوں کے دن کا آغاز۔)
To get the day off to a good start, in the morning, drink one glass of honey with one glass of honey or one teaspoon of lemon juice with warm water every morning. It will keep your skin salty.

2. Bath alert. (غسل کا انتباہ۔)
Many people use excessive hot water at bath time, which is not true at all. Hot water absorb skin oil and dry the skin. Always use warm water in the bath in the bath.

3. Get enough water. (کافی پانی حاصل کریں۔)
There is no substitute for adequate water to keep the skin hydrated and moisturized.

Caring for dry skin. (خشک جلد کی دیکھ بھال کرنا۔)

Many of the problems in the winter are dry skin. Most of the problems with foot rash, lip bloating or skin rash are gone. However, with the right care, it is possible to solve this problem. Using a home pack can be beneficial. Three teaspoonfuls of rice powder, one teaspoon of honey and quantity of milk, mix well and apply to the whole body. Wash with water for 5 minutes. However, if the skin is too dry, mix one teaspoon of Amanda bowl with this pack. And do not use soap on the skin at all. In addition, when glycerin and rosemary are mixed in a 4: 5 measure, the skin becomes much smoother.

Caring for oily skin. (آئلی جلد کی دیکھ بھال)
Many people do not know their own skin type, in the winter when the skin is dry, apply cream on the face. Because of this, acne problems often arise. Oily screen can never be used in oily cosmetics. Instead of applying this pack, you will benefit - Mix three teaspoons of rice powder, one teaspoon neem powder, half teaspoon sandalwood and amount of orange-lemon juice in the face. Do not use soap on the skin at all. In addition, you can use an oil free moisturizer.

General skin care. (عام جلد کی دیکھ بھال۔)
Those who have normal skin, winter skin is not supposed to be particularly inconvenient. However, skin care is very important. You can use this pack to keep the skin refreshed. Mix three teaspoons of rice powder, amount of yogurt and lotus juice and apply it on the skin. Glycerin and rose water can be applied to the skin in 5: 5 measurements, but this pack should be applied overnight. The next morning, wash it with soap.

Winter Hair Care. (موسم سرما میں بالوں کی دیکھ بھال)

Many people have very dry hair this time. Apply hot oil one evening a week and wrap in towels for a while. The next day, apply the same amount of tuck curd in the hair. Wash your hair with a light shampoo for 5 minutes. You see, in a few days, the dryness will disappear and the hair will be smoother.
Let's talk a little bit about eating. Adherence to the diet is very important when the body and skin is refreshed. There are many vegetables available in the winter, which will benefit from playing regularly. Also, be sure to eat regular milk, fruits, fish, eggs, meat etc.

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