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Google Lens( گوگل لینز )

Google Lens is a Visual Analysis Powerful AI application developed by Google. It is designed so that any image or object can be instantly analyzed and its relevant information presented to the user. Just like we saw in a science fiction movie like Iron Man or Predator in Hollywood. 

Use of Google Lens

It works in conjunction with the phone camera, Google Photos and Google Assistant app. Initially, Google Lens is only used on Android Pixel smartphones but is currently open for use on other Android and iOS devices. 

Let's explore some of the key features of the Google Lens app. 
1. Smart Text Selection: (اسمارٹ ٹیکسٹ سلیکشن۔)
 It can easily select, copy and paste text without having to type text text camera anywhere.

2. Smart Text Search: (اسمارٹ ٹیکسٹ سرچ۔)
For example, you can search the web directly for definitions, translations or related information without writing highlighted text anywhere.

3. Smart Product Search & Shopping: (اسمارٹ پروڈکٹ کی تلاش اور خریداری۔)
Google Lens is able to easily detect its price, reviews and related articles, whether through a camera , home decoration or any other product.

4.Search around you: (اپنے ارد گرد کا پتہ لگائیں۔)

 you point your camera around  that if you Google around the lens around the various objects such as a trees, flowers, fruits and animals around tachara will find out what is in a particular place or landmark to He is also able to review if desired.

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